301 West 6th Street
Status: In Planning
Location: Richmond, VA
Use: Residential, rental
Avery Hall has acquired a 2.89 acre parcel adjacent to the James River in the Manchester neighborhood of Richmond, Virginia. Manchester is Richmond’s fastest growing residential neighborhood, currently experiencing the most investment of any community in the region. The planned 17-story multi-phased project is being designed in accordance with the Richmond 300 Master Plan to complement and continue the significant revitalization of historic Manchester. In developing this project, Avery Hall has actively engaged with the community and has incorporated local feedback by preserving views of the downtown skyline beyond zoning requirements, as well as by providing open green space. Manchester has become one of the most progressive and forward-thinking neighborhoods in Richmond and Avery Hall is excited to shepherd the under-utilized parcel into a thoughtfully designed home for future Manchester residents as it continues its growth.